Official Countdown

pregnancy due date

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week 28

One down, 11 more to go!

Things I've learned this week:

1. While high heel shoes are a must in a woman's wardrobe, they do not pair well with the swelling feet of this pregnant woman. After a day of sporting really cute shoes for Easter (because Jesus cares about these things), my toes looked very similar to the Reese's Peanut Butter eggs that filled our baskets...

2. My students, especially the boys, love the idea that there is a baby in my stomach. One child in particular (whose father "makes medicine") informed me today that:
- the baby is probably a girl because it doesn't kick me very hard
- that touching my belly button with my pinkie will make the baby kick, and that
- the baby is probably going to come out soon. (All of his statements can clearly be backed up by my findings on Web MD.)

3. Finding a crib that both Chris and I like is impossible. Baby Miller might spend his baby years in a cradle.

4. Manufactures should consider making adult sheets as soft as crib sheets. (That's right, we have the crib sheets, sans the crib.)

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