Our baby is now a
Yep, I am sure that you all figured out. I know I did when I first saw the picture. That is right- our baby is a butternut squash. OK, I hope my child does not look like a butternut squash (Really, who came up with this list?), but who knows maybe it will. If I had to choose a vegetable or fruit I hope it comes out like a MR. POTATO HEAD have you seen all the cool stuff they come with these days (I mean taters are timeless and still rule!). Actually, I not hoping for a boy or a girl I am just hoping and praying for a healthy baby...just a healthy baby.
Now Baby Miller weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His/her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his/her head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his/her increasing nutritional demands, Allison needs plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his/her bones are soaking up lots of calcium, Allison needs to drink lots of milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). So since they say find a good source, I think this is a good time to introduce Baby Miller and Allison to the best way I know how of getting said calcium. That means getting a high dose of… AHHH, Yeah...Oreos and Milk
I figure if we do that the baby will not only add the 250 milligrams of calcium that will be deposited in our baby's hardening skeleton EACH DAY for the remainder of the 3rd trimester (at least that is what the World Wide Intra Web says) but maybe even double or triple that amount. Not to mention that will start the training for me and Baby Miller to share Oreos and Milk in a Frosted Beer Mug (I think Milk in a Frosted Mug may just be the best use of a Frosted Mug...MAY). I believe if we do this then everyone wins, Allison gets her calcium, Baby Miller gets calcium, and I got milk get Milk and Oreos (what more can I ask for).
Ps. you may have noticed links in this post. We are not getting paid for them (but I should...I mean do you have any idea how many Oreos I have eaten and how much Milk I have drank over the years). I happened to be looking on the internet at work home and saw those sites... and thought Man Tatters have gotten cool, the ability to share your Oreo moments (who does not have one of those), and the got milk sites where pretty cool. Thought the three people (I increased it from a previous post as I ran into someone who said they read the Blog but I think they were not telling the truth or they moved to Cali (shout out to Josh)....kinda like "I love all the names you picked out for the Baby") that follow the blog would find them funny or interesting.
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