Official Countdown

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today is Chris's birthday, and it was fun to remind him that this will be his last birthday without a child. Next year he will be celebrating this day as a daddy. It is still so amazing, and overwhelming, to imagine that in just 10 weeks we will be parents. There's still lots to do to get ready, and plenty that we'll probably never really be prepared for, but we're doing what we can, while we can. We're still at a standstill on the crib front and the naming front... Maybe we'll figure these things out soon!

1 comment:

Family said...

Happy Birthday Chris! Don't worry; birthdays aren't so much fun as you get older anyway. Starting over with one is much exciting, you get to do all the things you wanted to do the first time around and couldn't.

As for a place for baby Miller to sleep, I have a 25 year old wicker crib that you can have until you decided on what you really want. (Kate has her 25th birthday this month!)

This is going to be so much fun!!!
