Another week down, and another week closer to meeting Baby Miller. All in all, this was a good week. I know that everyone says this, but I am feeling fairly certain that this baby is going to come out as a kick boxer... I've gotten use to the feeling of being kicked in various parts of my belly, ribs, and side, but it still makes me laugh every time. I have noticed that Baby Miller is on a schedule already. Baby is very active in the morning and at night, and he/she sometimes kicks "on demand", which always gives me a little thrill. Already a good listener.
Baby Miller does not, however, frequently cooperate when I'm trying to get Chris to feel the movements. He has felt the baby move a few times, but I feel kind of bummed that he doesn't get to feel it all of the time like I do.
This past week Chris went out of town for the first time since we found out I was pregnant, and at the same time I took a trip out to Houston to visit Lorraine for her 30th birthday. This trip was one of the first times I have gotten emotional about traveling without Chris. It occurred to me as I was waiting to take off that Chris and I are about to have a family, and it was a little overwhelming to realize how much love I have for my husband and for our baby. As a Christian, it's impossible not to think about the sacrifice that God made when he sent His son to die- I haven't even met this baby yet, and I already feel more love for it than I ever could have imagined.
Highlights from week 26: Baby Miller can now hear us talking to him/her. Guess I'll have to start teaching Chris some lullabies...
Low points of week 26: My tail bone has a mind of it's own. I found out this week that being on a turbulent flight when 6 months pregnant is likely to end badly...
It brought a tear to my eye to hear of your love for Chris and your precious baby. It's just the way God planned. Now you can do anything.
My Baby Mama Looking Good!!!
PLEEZE--do yourself and the baby a big favor--DON'T ask Chris to sing -- lullabies especially. He used to sing in shower in the morning and it was not pretty !!!
Gramps in FL
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