Baby Miller has now reached Terminal Velocity FULL TERM which means that if SHIM arrives now, the lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though that is still a couple of weeks away (However, I am sure that Allison would be happy if it was sooner rather than later).
Our baby weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel like a stalk of Swiss chard (Yep...Exactly like a SWISS CHARD) If you have ever eaten Swiss Chard Please Raise Your Hand (You can raise your hand on the Internet...Silly Readers but just as I thought...NOT ONE PERSON RAISED THEIR HAND). Seriously (as serious as I can be anyway, which is not that serious) let us know if you are the one person who has had Swiss Chard and what the Swiss Chard was like (does any else enjoy saying/reading Swiss Chard? I do...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Sorry got carried away yet again!) Also, for those adventurous types you can buy the seeds at Johnny's Selected Seeds to grow some for yourself but don't be to disappointed that the Golden Sunrise Swiss Chard seeds are SOLD OUT (I hear they are ALL THE RAGE this year). If they are good we are going to ask Susan if Baby Miller can plant some in the garden next year.
The World Wide IntraWeb says that many babies have a full head of hair at birth, amazing as many of you voted that I would have more hair than my newborn...Actually, I was the only ONE who voted that I WOULD have more hair (and I will if you take into account the amount on my face but Who really needs enemies with Friends like you all. Or who needs self-confidence or a good self-image...Well I am off to Shoot Myself, Get Hair Plugs, and/or Counseling to deal with my bad self image you have instilled in me. Really Thanks to ALL who voted) and that the locks could be a 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. The World Wide Intraweb also said that SHIM could come out as blond or a redhead…That would be funny if the kid came out with RED hair…We would have to give them an Irish name like Finley or Murray (I guess in that case LL Cool J would be surprised).
See you next week on Our Little Cucumber...
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