Back for OLCP10, Yep that’s right another week of me impersonating a writer and sharing with you important things about our how our Little Cucumber Bundle of Joy is developing and what ever happens to spill out of my pea size brain that sits on my shoulders.
BM (Baby Miller) (Yes, that is the first and last use of those initials together) is almost 6 pounds and still packing on the pounds at a rate of about an ounce a day (and jumping around all crazy like in BabyMamas belly (seriously last night the kid moved over to one side and it looked like Allison had a lopsided belly (it could still be an Alien) but as Long as SHIM is happy and comfortable, right?). In addition to nearing a good fighting weight to “Take On the World” (queue Rocky Music) Baby Miller is also about 18.5 inches in length from head to heel.

So the fruit/vegetable of the week is a Crenshaw Melon, which happens to weigh about the same as SHIM this week. I had planned on providing a wealth of knowledge on the said "Crenshaw Melon" but I was unable to find anything on the fruit at Wikipedia. However, Wikipedia did highlight that Crenshaw is a town in South LA that brought us Ice Cube, Ice-T (and several other cold items), two mayors of LA, Eric Davis and Darryl Strawberry, and a portion of the LA Riots. I might try to look the fruit up in other places next time on the World Wide Intraweb like in a food dictionary.
So there is a lot the baby is doing in these last 3 weeks of living in Allison, which I will spare you most of the details of. However, Procter & Gamble should change the name of that fabric softener which SHIM seems to be shedding and eating which leads to other things…
At the end of this week Allison will be considered Full-Term, which means she made it to 37 weeks with Baby Miller (which I think is about as long she has made it with me if we factor in the Boston/Brazil living arrangements). It is amazing/scary to think that we are only a matter of weeks (and it could even be DAYS) away from being parents and having a child.
I wonder if Baby Miller is having thoughts of what is to come. SHIM is probably thinking and saying “So I am not going to beworking living around here anymore?”. I wonder if that baby is as scared as I am that they are coming into my life and into this world. I have no idea what to expect and in a lot of ways what to do.
Such big things are all happening at once…Pregnancy, birth, a new life, a child, being parents; I hope and pray that I RISE up to the challenge, I hope that I am a good parent, I hope I am a good role model, I hope SHIM looks up to me, I hope he/she doesn't do the things I did wrong, I hope that I instill faith, character, honor, politeness, toughness and teach him/her to dream, have great confidence and self-control. I hope that this Baby achieves everything I want for him/her (AND MORE) and achieve all he/she wants to accomplish, I hope that….well I could go on and on for all the things I wish/hope/want for my new child and one thing is for sure…It will be an interesting journey.
BM (Baby Miller) (Yes, that is the first and last use of those initials together) is almost 6 pounds and still packing on the pounds at a rate of about an ounce a day (and jumping around all crazy like in BabyMamas belly (seriously last night the kid moved over to one side and it looked like Allison had a lopsided belly (it could still be an Alien) but as Long as SHIM is happy and comfortable, right?). In addition to nearing a good fighting weight to “Take On the World” (queue Rocky Music) Baby Miller is also about 18.5 inches in length from head to heel.

So the fruit/vegetable of the week is a Crenshaw Melon, which happens to weigh about the same as SHIM this week. I had planned on providing a wealth of knowledge on the said "Crenshaw Melon" but I was unable to find anything on the fruit at Wikipedia. However, Wikipedia did highlight that Crenshaw is a town in South LA that brought us Ice Cube, Ice-T (and several other cold items), two mayors of LA, Eric Davis and Darryl Strawberry, and a portion of the LA Riots. I might try to look the fruit up in other places next time on the World Wide Intraweb like in a food dictionary.
So there is a lot the baby is doing in these last 3 weeks of living in Allison, which I will spare you most of the details of. However, Procter & Gamble should change the name of that fabric softener which SHIM seems to be shedding and eating which leads to other things…
At the end of this week Allison will be considered Full-Term, which means she made it to 37 weeks with Baby Miller (which I think is about as long she has made it with me if we factor in the Boston/Brazil living arrangements). It is amazing/scary to think that we are only a matter of weeks (and it could even be DAYS) away from being parents and having a child.
I wonder if Baby Miller is having thoughts of what is to come. SHIM is probably thinking and saying “So I am not going to be
Such big things are all happening at once…Pregnancy, birth, a new life, a child, being parents; I hope and pray that I RISE up to the challenge, I hope that I am a good parent, I hope I am a good role model, I hope SHIM looks up to me, I hope he/she doesn't do the things I did wrong, I hope that I instill faith, character, honor, politeness, toughness and teach him/her to dream, have great confidence and self-control. I hope that this Baby achieves everything I want for him/her (AND MORE) and achieve all he/she wants to accomplish, I hope that….well I could go on and on for all the things I wish/hope/want for my new child and one thing is for sure…It will be an interesting journey.
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