Friday, June 26, 2009
Hard to Believe...
Chris and I heard more of the same this week at Dr. Joffe's office (looks great, doing good, see you next week...). It's a little frustrating, but as many of you have pointed out, the longer this little bean stays in here, the more shim can grow (and the more time we'll have to await the arrival of the crib). We did make some major headway in the nursery this week- the curtains are up, and Chris proved just how easy it is to hang curtains on double rods in a house with plaster walls that are 80+ years old. He made it looks like something you'd see on the DIY network. Seriously. It was amazing, and it gave us something to do on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night...
A notable favorite from this week: I've gotten in the habit of waking Baby Miller up in the morning by singing "it's time to rise and shine and (clap) give God the glory, glory..." This is fun because I use my belly as the percussion in the song, and it makes Chris laugh. Wonder if shim will have an aversion to clapping and singing this particular song when shim gets here.
And so, with one week left on the 40 week plan, I am so thankful for what has been the most amazing experience of my life, and I can't wait to see what comes next!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Our Little Cucumber Part 12

Baby Miller now has a firm grasp, which we will be able to test when we hold the little hand for the first time. It never occurred to me until just now that in a few days I will get to hold my child’s hand or have them grasp mine. What a humbling thought…Really to me it is such a surreal thing to think that I will be able to get to hold the hand of the new life that Allison and I have created (along with a little help). That first grab of their hand to mine will be the first one of many throughout the years. That little hand grabbing mine looking for affection, protection, or comfort from me. Wow!
The World Wide IntraWeb also says that Baby Miller’s organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb (Not sure if Allison and I are ready for their life outside the womb yet and I know I have not Matured enough but I guess there is no turning back now).
Another amazing thought that I had not thought of until I started writing this was what color eyes will Baby Miller have? It will be interesting to see but I never knew that we would have to wait 9 months for them to get their full dose of pigment to the iris for us to see if they get Allison’s Green or my Greenish/Blue eyes. Maybe Shim will get some really cool dark blue eyes or maybe hazel or gray.
It will be an amazing journey and I can not wait to hold their hand (or have them grasp mine) or to look into their eyes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Car Seat? Check.
37 Down, 3ish to Go!
We went for our second weekly appointment this past Wednesday, and again, much to my dismay, they told us nothing. I guess I was kind of hoping the Doc could give me an approximate 2 or 3 day window as to then we could expect SHIM, but I was sadly mistaken. Just the same old routine and we were sent on our way until next Wednesday. We did learn that my doctor would be vacationing away for the holiday weekend, so depending on when Baby Miller decides to come say hello, he might be greeted by a complete stranger. I'm OK with this though, as I feel confident that when the time comes, I'm not going to care who is calling the plays as long as he makes it all quick and painless. (That's right, I said it, QUICK and PAINLESS. It's possible...) We did get a good laugh when Dr. Joffe started telling us about the silly requests that some of his past patients have made as part of their "birthing plan". People are crazy (refer back to above point about not having to have a license to have kids...). Let's just say that while I thought the one lady's request for red wine during delivery was not all that ludicrous, I think I'll stick to the ice chips (at least for the first couple of weeks).
Our Little Cucumber Part 11

Baby Miller has now reached Terminal Velocity FULL TERM which means that if SHIM arrives now, the lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though that is still a couple of weeks away (However, I am sure that Allison would be happy if it was sooner rather than later).
Our baby weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel like a stalk of Swiss chard (Yep...Exactly like a SWISS CHARD) If you have ever eaten Swiss Chard Please Raise Your Hand (You can raise your hand on the Internet...Silly Readers but just as I thought...NOT ONE PERSON RAISED THEIR HAND). Seriously (as serious as I can be anyway, which is not that serious) let us know if you are the one person who has had Swiss Chard and what the Swiss Chard was like (does any else enjoy saying/reading Swiss Chard? I do...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Swiss Chard...Sorry got carried away yet again!) Also, for those adventurous types you can buy the seeds at Johnny's Selected Seeds to grow some for yourself but don't be to disappointed that the Golden Sunrise Swiss Chard seeds are SOLD OUT (I hear they are ALL THE RAGE this year). If they are good we are going to ask Susan if Baby Miller can plant some in the garden next year.
The World Wide IntraWeb says that many babies have a full head of hair at birth, amazing as many of you voted that I would have more hair than my newborn...Actually, I was the only ONE who voted that I WOULD have more hair (and I will if you take into account the amount on my face but Who really needs enemies with Friends like you all. Or who needs self-confidence or a good self-image...Well I am off to Shoot Myself, Get Hair Plugs, and/or Counseling to deal with my bad self image you have instilled in me. Really Thanks to ALL who voted) and that the locks could be a 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. The World Wide Intraweb also said that SHIM could come out as blond or a redhead…That would be funny if the kid came out with RED hair…We would have to give them an Irish name like Finley or Murray (I guess in that case LL Cool J would be surprised).
See you next week on Our Little Cucumber...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Lucky Guess

Another One Down

With week 36 having come and gone, Chris and I are starting to really feel the pressure. As the trusty Babycare website says, I am now considered "full term", and Baby Miller could arrive at any time! The "Eviction Notice" has been sent.
Week 36 brought with it my last day at work, for which I was very thankful. Summer has definitely arrived in Atlanta, and the heat has had an adverse effect on my already long-forgotten ankles, which has made it hard to wear cute outfits. With work now over, I can feel quite confident as I go about my days in "lounge wear". I'm hoping this isn't an indicator of how I'll "let myself go" once shim gets here.
Chris and I have started our weekly doctors visits now, and I think we were both hoping when we went to see Dr. Joffe on Wednesday that he would tell us the baby was on his/her way. No luck. We got the "everything looks good, see you next week" speech and were sent on our way.
This week has given me plenty of time to focus on washing all of the great baby clothes/ blankets/towels and other fun stuff that we've acquired over the past few months, and it's been fun pulling the miniature shirts and socks out of the dryer and trying to figure out the best way to fold them (without the use of Chris' handy folding board). It makes it all seem very real when you have a room full of neatly folded onesies, socks, and mittens, and it makes me so very thankful for all that we've been blessed with over the last 8 months. Looking back, I can't believe (ye of little faith) how far God has brought us since we first found out we were pregnant nearly 7 months ago. God is good.
So, week 36 in short: clean baby clothes, no more work for Alli, ankles that resemble something from the Dinosaur age, continued blessings from God, and sleepless nights.
Can't ask for much more than that.
Showers for Baby Miller

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weeks 33 and 34
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Our Little Cucumber Part 10
BM (Baby Miller) (Yes, that is the first and last use of those initials together) is almost 6 pounds and still packing on the pounds at a rate of about an ounce a day (and jumping around all crazy like in BabyMamas belly (seriously last night the kid moved over to one side and it looked like Allison had a lopsided belly (it could still be an Alien) but as Long as SHIM is happy and comfortable, right?). In addition to nearing a good fighting weight to “Take On the World” (queue Rocky Music) Baby Miller is also about 18.5 inches in length from head to heel.

So the fruit/vegetable of the week is a Crenshaw Melon, which happens to weigh about the same as SHIM this week. I had planned on providing a wealth of knowledge on the said "Crenshaw Melon" but I was unable to find anything on the fruit at Wikipedia. However, Wikipedia did highlight that Crenshaw is a town in South LA that brought us Ice Cube, Ice-T (and several other cold items), two mayors of LA, Eric Davis and Darryl Strawberry, and a portion of the LA Riots. I might try to look the fruit up in other places next time on the World Wide Intraweb like in a food dictionary.
So there is a lot the baby is doing in these last 3 weeks of living in Allison, which I will spare you most of the details of. However, Procter & Gamble should change the name of that fabric softener which SHIM seems to be shedding and eating which leads to other things…
At the end of this week Allison will be considered Full-Term, which means she made it to 37 weeks with Baby Miller (which I think is about as long she has made it with me if we factor in the Boston/Brazil living arrangements). It is amazing/scary to think that we are only a matter of weeks (and it could even be DAYS) away from being parents and having a child.
I wonder if Baby Miller is having thoughts of what is to come. SHIM is probably thinking and saying “So I am not going to be
Such big things are all happening at once…Pregnancy, birth, a new life, a child, being parents; I hope and pray that I RISE up to the challenge, I hope that I am a good parent, I hope I am a good role model, I hope SHIM looks up to me, I hope he/she doesn't do the things I did wrong, I hope that I instill faith, character, honor, politeness, toughness and teach him/her to dream, have great confidence and self-control. I hope that this Baby achieves everything I want for him/her (AND MORE) and achieve all he/she wants to accomplish, I hope that….well I could go on and on for all the things I wish/hope/want for my new child and one thing is for sure…It will be an interesting journey.