Wow. We've just finished 31 weeks, and even though we didn't find out we were pregnant until I was 7 weeks along, I feel like it's been a long haul. I think that has something to do with the fact that this week has proven to be a little difficult for this pregnant lady. Take for instance, it's 3:26 in the afternoon, and I'm not sure how I am going to stay awake for the next 15 minutes (let alone make it until I get to go home at 5...). Or there's the fact that I seem to have "lost" my right ankle somewhere. I keep trying to remind myself what a great pregnancy I've had (aside from the scares at the doctor's office), and I'm trying to keep a grateful attitude for that. Check back in with me on that in, say, 2 weeks.... Or tomorrow. Baby steps.
This week was a very exciting week for Chris and I because we got to see Baby Chris, I mean, Baby Miller in 4D. What an amazing experience! Susan, the tech that did the ultrasound, was so great, and she had us laughing the whole time. It seemed as though our little peanut didn't want to have any part in having his/her picture taken, so Susan had to get creative... As it turns out, you can make a baby move by shaking from side to side, walking, and doing lunges (great idea, Chris). In the end we got some super cute shots of our little star, and I think we may have even convinced Chris that there is, in fact, a baby in there!
On a not so fun note, I learned on Monday that going to the dentist on an empty stomach while pregnant is not a good idea... No more cleanings for me until after July 3rd. Long after July 3rd..
With 8 weeks left, we're trying to prepare as best we can for what lies ahead! Keep praying, and keep telling me how great I look. :)
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