Official Countdown

pregnancy due date

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birthing School Dropouts...

Chris and I signed up for a "birthing" class that was offered at the hospital, and we devoted this past Saturday to learning all about the whole process. Some might say that we're quitters, because after 4 hours of the 8 hour class, we bolted. Don't get me wrong, we did it in a respectable manner, waiting until the lunch break to inform the instructor that I wasn't feeling well and we wouldn't be coming back. While some of you might think that this was a lie, I assure you it wasn't (totally). Chris and I were definitely both feeling a little "under the weather" after some of the things that the instructor shared with us. I seriously think that some things are better left unknown...

All that to say: Please pray for Chris and I both when the big day rolls around. While we did learn the "slow dance" relaxation/breathing method (which Chris and I both laughed through...), there is a slight chance that we may have missed something important. (I say slight not to discount the informative nature of the class, but more to make myself feel better about being a birthing school dropout.)

The Top 10 things we did learn:
1. Only one out of ten couples opt to not find out the sex of their baby before birth (we were the one couple...)
2. Don't go to the hospital until the 5-1-1 kicks in (5 minutes between contractions, 1 minute per contraction, for at least 1 hour)
3. Walk as much as possible once labor starts (unless it starts at night, then try to sleep- right.)
4. Don't let the nurses take the baby from you right away (as long as all is well). As it turns out, mothers produce a "love hormone" that triggers all sorts of crazy bonding stuff within the first few minutes after birth if the baby is in direct contact with the momma.
5. Have a backup for Chris (in case he DFOs- "done falls out")
6. Be prepared to wait- instant gratification is unknown in labor in delivery
7. Chris's role is to remember the acronym PURE once I go into labor. What the letters themselves mean is not as important as him simply remembering that, no matter what, I am right, he is wrong, and it's all his fault.
8. Be nice to the nurse.
9. Be prepared to wait. (This warrants a double entry, especially for the laughing couple that never came back after lunch...)
10. Bring things to engage ourselves in mindless activity. Puzzles anyone?

We're signed up for a hospital tour on Thursday night. We'll try to make it through the entire 50 minutes, I promise...

1 comment:

Family said...

In my experience, socks were key to comfort. You could take an iPhone to text people about your progress and make pictures of yourself.

Oh, and enjoy the miracle…I don’t care what Jack says, when that beautiful little baby is born, it feels like a miracle!

Birthing classes or not, you’re going to do great!
